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Below is an excerpt from Governor Ned Lamont’s update on Connecticut’s Coronavirus response efforts as of 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 26, 2020.

Governor Lamont today released his Reopen Connecticut report, which contains recommendations from the Reopen Connecticut Advisory Group – the panel of local health, business, workforce, and education experts who provided his administration and legislative leadership with recommendations on the reopening of Connecticut’s economy and education system as the nation emerges from the unprecedented public health emergency caused by COVID-19.

Throughout the pandemic, Governor Lamont has been using the advisory group’s recommendations, combined with inputs from state agency leadership, legislators, and other stakeholders, to inform his decisions on the reopening of the state.

“The global COVID-19 pandemic is complex and rapidly evolving, and that is why I asked a group of people on the ground here in Connecticut – including public health experts, business owners and representatives, education officials, and others – to review how the virus is impacting Connecticut and provide me with recommendations for a safe and appropriate response,” Governor Lamont said. “We learn new things about this virus every day, and as a result, the plans outlined in this report are almost certain to change based on new facts, insights, and breakthroughs both here in our state and around the world, as well as in coordination with our regional partners. But one thing is for sure – the strength, generosity, and resolve I see every day across our state will remain constant. By working together, we can continue to protect the health and safety of our family, friends, and neighbors as we reopen Connecticut. I thank the members of the Reopen Connecticut Advisory Group for volunteering their time and helping shape these recommendations over the last several weeks, and I thank legislative leaders for working with us throughout this process, providing valuable input to my administration.”

With the release of the governor’s report, the Reopen Connecticut Advisory Group has adjourned its activities and will no longer meet, however the governor said he will remain in contact with its members over the coming months as the situation continues to develop.

Download the Report Here

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