Growing a Dynamic Workforce


EWIB, based out of Franklin, CT, is a non-profit agency that oversees a network of workforce-related programs, including the operation of the region’s American Job Centers. Together, the Chamber and EWIB have a shared goal of growing eastern CT’s economy through workforce-related programs.

No single organization alone can solve the complex workforce and economic issues facing our region. However, by working together, partners in our region are making meaningful progress as we grow our most important asset: our dynamic workforce.

Manufacturing Pipeline

The Manufacturing Pipeline Program provides a training pipeline to develop skilled workers for Electric Boat (EB), the nearly 70 companies that make up the Eastern Advanced Manufacturing Alliance (EAMA), and other regional employers.

In just under three years, the program has placed more than 1,000 qualified candidates in jobs.

The initiative offers up to ten short-term classroom trainings, online training, and job search assistance. Curriculum for classroom training was developed by EB and EAMA in collaboration with Three Rivers Community College, Quinebaug Valley Community College, and the Community College of RI.

The Eastern CT Manufacturing Pipeline program is funded by Eastern CT Workforce Investment Board through a variety of state, private & philanthropic grant funds.

Youth Manufacturing Pipeline

Building upon the Manufacturing Pipeline Initiative, the Youth Manufacturing Pipeline will raise the baseline of our labor force’s competencies while aligning those skills to in-demand needs. The program aims to increase the availability of a manufacturing talent pool through the creation of a manufacturing-based career pathway for high school students after graduation.

Staff Contact

If you are interested in hiring a recent graduate of the Manufacturing Pipeline Program or learning more about the program, contact Business Services Representative:

Tracy Tremblay

(860) 848-5932.