Take a leap, launch your business with Entrepreneur Academy
Learn how to start a business in CT through the Chamber’s 8-week Entrepreneur Academy, designed to help emerging entrepreneurs turn their ideas into profitable ventures. Participants will receive expert training, mentorship, and access to local resources.
Building on the success of its 2022 pilot program, the academy offers a comprehensive curriculum crafted by a professor of entrepreneurship at Wesleyan University.

What you'll receive
Expert Training + Mentorship
Local Resources + Networking
Upon Graduation
“I needed this program, even being in business for six years. Sometimes you lose focus and need reminders... I would encourage anyone at any level of entrepreneurship to attend, you will learn something new and beneficial to creating a new business or growing your current business.”
2022 Participant
“The Entrepreneur Academy gave me all of the tools to feel more confident to begin and succeed in my business! In addition to the courses, the free one-year membership will allow me to expand my network and potentially receive new business, ultimately catapulting me forward in my venture.”
2022 Participant
“This class gave me a lot of insight into more opportunities about starting a new business and how to grow it. I feel lucky to have been a part of the pilot class, not only was the information helpful and insightful but it was a great opportunity to meet others who are just starting out as well and to network with them.”
2022 Participant
Session Schedule
Additional speakers and special guests are to be announced. Curriculum is subjected to change
September 10 | 4:30 – 7:00 pm
Please note the time change for session 1.
Orientation: 4:30 – 5:30 pm
Facilitated by Tony Sheridan, Chamber President and CEO and Kevin Zhang, Regional Innovation Center Community Manager
Session 1: Marketing Research and Defining Your Initial Target Market
5:30 – 7:00 pm
Speaker: Tom Gezo, TGezo Business Consulting
Special Guest : Margo Weitekamp, SCORE(Service Corps of Retired Executives)
Participant Q+A.
September 17 | 5:30 – 7:00 pm
Speaker: Tim Clorite, ConnexMarkets
Panel Discussion:
- Len Wolman, Waterford Hotel Group
- John Carlin, Carlin Construction
- Stephanie-Shyann Kaimanaokaohana McKeon, Joshua’s Worldwide Transportation
Participant Q+A.
September 24 | 5:30 – 7:00 pm
Speaker: TBA
Special Guest: Matt Bloom, Minuteman Press
Participant Q+A
October 1 | 5:30 – 7:00 pm
Speaker: Sherry Konweski, Women’s Business Development Council
Speaker: Lee Couture, Couture Financial
Special Guest: Amanda Ljubicic, Ace Overhead Doors
Participant Q+A
October 8 | 5:30 – 7:00 pm
Speaker: Maria Miranda, Miranda Creative
Special Guest: Ellie Greenberg, Wonderlosity
Participant Q+A
October 15| 5:00 – 7:00 pm
Please note the time change for session 6
Speaker: Liberty Bank
Funding Organization Exhibitors:
- CIC (Community Investment Corporation)
- SECTER (Southeastern Connecticut Enterprise Region)
- DECD (Connecticut Department of Economic Community Development)
- US SBA (U.S. Small Business Administration)
- EWIB (Eastern Connecticut Workforce Investment Board)
- CTSBDC (CT Small Business Development Center)
- WBDC (Women’s Business Development Council)
- CTDOL (CT Department of Labor)
- City of New London
- HEDCO (Hartford Economic Development Corporation)
More funding organizations to be announced.
Time will allow for individual discussions with attending funding organizations. Participants are required to collect a certain number of stamps from exhibitors to complete this session.
October 22 | 5:30 – 7:00 pm
Speaker: David Gellar, Quinn & Hary Marketing
Participants will have a chance to practice pitching their business idea and receive feedback in preparation for the next session, Final Demo Day.
October 29 | 5:30 – 7:00 pm
Location to be announced.
Participants will present their business plans which will be voted on by attendees and the top ventures will receive a cash prize.
Who should apply?
To be considered, applicant should include an initial business plan in the sign-up form.
Made possible by
Waterford Hotel Group, Coppa Family (In Loving Memory of Robert Coppa), & Southeastern CT Enterprise Region (seCTer)