74th Citizen of the Year Award

This award is presented annually by the Chamber of Commerce of Eastern CT to an extraordinary individual for outstanding contributions to the civic and business community of the region.

See all past recipients >

Nomination Criteria

Nomination should address the following:

How has the individual(s) gone above and beyond in their commitment to the civic and business community of eastern CT? How has their altruism toward the community exceeded the dictates of their job? How have their efforts, accomplishments, and leadership contributed to the economic vitality of eastern CT?

Qualifications and Selection Process

  • No candidate will be considered who is paid to perform the specific services for which he/she/they were nominated
  • Nominations are in no way restricted based on age, sex, race, occupation, disability, religion, or present membership in the Chamber of Commerce of Eastern Connecticut, Inc. However, the betterment of regional commerce is still a determinant in the selection process.
  • Accomplishments can be during the previous year, in recent years, or over a lifetime. This award is not presented posthumously.
  • While the nominee does not need to be a native of eastern Connecticut, he/she/they must be a resident now or at the time during which the distinguished service was performed.
  • The number of times the same individual is nominated each year will have no bearing in the selection process. Only the achievements and contributions of the nominee will be considered and nominations should be clear and specific in addressing this. Do not assume the nominee’s efforts are already known to the Committee or the Chamber.
  • While the committee will attempt to select a single award recipient, special conditions may be present in which dual awards may be given.

Nomination Form

The 74th Annual Citizen of the Year nomination form has closed. If you have issues or questions please contact marketing@chamberect.com.