The Chamber of Commerce of Eastern Connecticut is an influential group representing eastern Connecticut in Hartford. We work hard for our members to track proposed legislation, keep abreast of current issues, and of course, represent business interests.

Legislative Affairs Council

The Chamber’s Legislative Affairs Council meets to discuss concerns and to propose legislation to grow and promote the region’s business community. The Chamber monitors the legislative process in Hartford and provides testimony on legislation critical to businesses.

Tracking Legislation

The Chamber tracks legislation related to our Legislative Agenda, set each year by members of our Legislative Affairs Council and approved by our Board of Directors.

The Chamber offers flexible ways for you to connect to the legislation that impacts your business:

  • Everyone can access the latest updates on tracked bills through the feed below.
  • Members may subscribe to our weekly email with updates on tracked bills and opportunities to submit testimony.
  • Are we missing legislation that is important to your organization? Share your interests with the Chamber.
  • Members who would benefit from customized tracking and reports can discuss options by contacting Megan Gilbert.


Tracked Bills

Chamber Testimony

Letter to the Editor: SB 13 An Act Reducing Prescription...

Tony SheridanApril 11, 2022

Dear Editor: I am writing today on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce of Eastern Connecticut regarding SB 13, An Act Reducing Prescription Drug Prices. While we can all agree that...

Congressman Courtney Provides Updates on Federal Relief,...

ChamberECTJune 15, 2021

The Chamber welcomed U.S. Congressman Joe Courtney for a virtual Business Breakfast on June 9. Congressman Courtney provided important updates on relief efforts related to the...

Survey gathers sentiments on racial equality in defense...

ChamberECTMarch 12, 2021

Chamber’s Military Affairs Council partners in effort to advance understanding The Chamber of Commerce of Eastern CT, in conjunction with our Military Affairs Council, is...

State and Local Government

Find your local legislators

Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments

The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments (SCCOG) is a public agency with representatives from twenty-two towns, cities, and boroughs, formed to provide a basis for intergovernmental cooperation in dealing with a wide range of issues. The Council was organized in October of 1992, taking over the mission of the Southeastern Connecticut Regional Planning Agency (SCRPA), which had been in existence since January 1961. Learn more at


Northeastern Connecticut Council of Governments

Northeastern Connecticut Council of Governments (NECCOG), a state leader in the innovation, development, advocation and application of regionalism, is a 16-town regional council of governments founded in 1987. NECCOG is a chief-elected official driven – organized forum for the member towns to discuss, facilitate and develop responses to issues of mutual concern. Learn more at

Federal Government

U.S. Rep. Joseph Courtney
Washington D.C. Office:
2348 Rayburn HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515
PH: (202) 225-2076
FX: (202) 225-4977

District Office:
55 Main Street, Suite 250
Norwich , CT 06360
PH: (860) 886-0139
FX: (860) 886-2974

Enfield Office
77 Hazard Ave, Unit J
Enfield, CT 06082
Phone: (860) 741-6011
Fax: (860) 741-6036

U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy
Connecticut Office:
One Constitution Plaza, 7th Floor
Hartford, CT 06103
Phone: (860) 549-8463
Fax: (860) 524-5091

Washington D.C. Office:
SD-B40A Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-4041
Fax: (202) 228-9604

U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal
Washington D.C. Office:
G55 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington DC, 20510
PH: (202) 224-2823

District Office:
30 Lewis St.
Ste 101
Hartford, CT 06103
(860) 258-6940