Here to help you celebrate your business.
Ribbon cutting celebrations are a FREE service offered to our Chamber members. They are an excellent way to connect with the local business community, meet your legislators, and gain exposure.
This is your opportunity to show off your business. Think about how you want to make it special and host a signature event for your brand.
When to have a ribbon cutting:
- Grand Opening, including New Additional Location (within the first 6 months of operation)
- Relocation of Business
- Business Under New Ownership
- Grand Re-Opening, Relaunch, or Renovation Reveal
- Milestone Anniversary
- Addition of Significant Program/Offering
To make your ceremony a success, the Chamber will:
In advance:
- List your event on
- Announce in our weekly eNews, which reaches almost 8,000 individuals.
- Submit event information to the local media. Please note, the Chamber cannot guarantee media coverage.
- Local and state legislators will be invited to attend and make remarks. Please note, the Chamber cannot guarantee their attendance.
- Promote your event to Chamber members in your area through a targeted email.
Day of:
- Chamber staff will attend with ribbon, scissors, a framed certificate, and a camera to capture this celebratory occasion. A staff person will facilitate the entire ceremony for you, including introductions to VIPs and other Chamber members.
- Photos of the event will be shared on the Chamber’s social media, and as space allows, featured in our print marketing. The best photos can be made available to you for your own marketing as well.
Steps to Prepare for Your Event:
- Fill out the Ribbon Cutting Request Form to provide the Chamber with event details, including the cause for celebration, a brief description (2-3 sentences) of the business, desired date, and any event highlights such as refreshments, raffles, etc.
- A Chamber staff member will reach out to you to finalize a date, discuss your event, and offer guidance as needed. When proposing dates for your event, please remember weekdays are strongly recommended as we cannot guarantee staff availability on weekends. For maximum coverage and promotion we recommend a minimum of 1 month lead time from submission of form to proposed Ribbon Cutting date.
- Think about your event logistics, including where the ribbon cutting will take place, parking arrangements, and what you’d like to say during your remarks.
- Invite as many people as you can. Reach out to family, friends, clients, and other personal contacts who have supported your business endeavor.
Tips for Success
- Try to avoid scheduling your event at the same time as any significant regional events that would draw people away. Choose a time that is convenient for fellow members to drop in—on the way to work, during lunch, or on the way home! The Chamber can help you choose the best available date and time.
- Consider offering samples of your product or service to turn guests into clients. Also, a free drawing is a great way to collect contact information while rewarding attendees for coming.
- Most ribbon cutting ceremonies include free light refreshments; people will enjoy the event more and linger to chat. Some events also include entertainment. This is your event so think about how to best showcase your business and create a positive experience
- Consider advertising. While not necessary, the Chamber has a variety of low-cost options, and we can connect you with our member newspapers, radio stations, and more.
- You know your contacts best. Reach far and wide with your invitations.
- Enjoy the event! Connect with guests and introduce them to your business. Be sure you have the help you need so you can focus on being an engaging host and meeting new people.
After the Ribbon Cutting:
Continue to be active in the Chamber and promote your business! We have a wide variety of networking and educational events, and many low-cost advertising avenues.
(860) 701-9113