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On April 30, Governor Lamont gave a presentation on plans for reopening businesses in Connecticut in the coming weeks. He laid out the criteria for reopening to begin. The first two steps are decreasing numbers of hospitalizations and increased testing availability to avoid a resurgence.

“Testing is important for the businesses as they reopen…Testing gives the consumer confidence that we are doing everything we can to keep them safe,” said Lamont.

He reported progress on each of the listed criteria.

Criteria for Initial Reopening

Disease Conditions:

  • 14-day decline of hospitalizations

Virus Management:

  • Increased testing available
  • Sufficient contact tracing capacity
  • Protect high-risk populations

Healthcare Capacity:

  • Adequate healthcare capacity
  • Adequate supply of PPE

“New Normal”

  • Appropriate physical distancing measures

Reopening Industries

The governor reported on the status of the state’s economy and strategies for reopening: how we will operate and what will we open.

Industries currently open include: manufacturing, essential retail, real estate, utilities, construction, childcare, hospitals.

Industries being considered for May 20 opening with appropriate safety protocols:

  • Restaurants (outdoor only – no bar areas)
  • Remaining retail
  • Offices (continue working from home where possible)
  • Personal services (hair and nail only)
  • Museums & Zoos (outdoor only)
  • Additional outdoor recreation (e.g. camping, mountain biking)
  • University research programs

He covers the approach and answers media questions in presentation you can view on Connecticut Network.

“Despite Setting a High Bar, Mounting $934 Million and $2.2 Billion Deficits Spur Announced Four-phase Reopening for Connecticut” CT Examiner. Article by Julia Werth.


Chamber Arranges Roundtable Discussions

The Chamber is hosting industry specific roundtables to discuss the current situation and next steps.

May 7, 10:15-11:15 am, Virtual Restaurant Roundtable

The Chamber of Commerce of Eastern CT and Greater Mystic Chamber of Commerce invite restaurant, bar, and catering professionals for a virtual forum to discuss adaptations to the current climate, and opportunities and ideas for reopening Connecticut’s food service sector.

Featured Speakers:
Dan Meiser, Oyster Club / Grass & Bone / Engine Room; Reopen Connecticut Advisory Group
Scott Dolch, Executive Director, CT Restaurant Association
Ali Formica, Director of Operations, and Olivia Formica, Chef, Flanders Fish Market and Restaurant
John Lombardo, General Manager, Saybrook Point Resort / Fresh Salt
Jon Kodama, JTK Management Restaurants

May 13, 1-2pm, Virtual Real Estate Roundtable

The Chamber of Commerce of Eastern CT and the Eastern Connecticut Association of Realtors (ECAR) invite real estate and mortgage professionals for a virtual forum to share and discuss adaptations to the current climate, industry trends, and other updates.

Featured Speakers:

Susy Hurlbert, Executive Director, Eastern Connecticut Association of REALTORS®

Newt Brainard, VP of Development, Konover Residential Corporation

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