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Guest Blog by: ConnectiCare

Considering yoga? Here are just a few of its health benefits.

Yoga is a leading health-and-wellness practice, with about one in seven American adults claiming to practice yoga in a 2017 survey. The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic shuttered yoga studios temporarily and spurred many, on reopening, to expand their schedules to streaming and outdoor classes.

If you are thinking about yoga, consider these health benefits:

Reduces stress
One of the top reasons adults practice yoga is to reduce stress. The reflection and breathing used in yoga can help a person to relax and relieve tension.

Relieves back pain
Yoga helps to stretch and strengthen the muscles that support your lower back and spine. Dr. Lauren Elson, instructor in medicine at Harvard Medical School says a mindful yoga practice can help people “safely improve their mobility and strength while stretching tight and aching back muscles.” Reducing pain can improve your ability to walk and move.

Helps you sleep deeper
A 2017 study found that nearly half of U.S. adults experience sleep issues. Of those, 30% say they practice some form of mind-body exercise, including yoga. Doctors suggest practicing calming yoga poses and the Ujjayi Breath (ocean breath) before bedtime to sleep deeper.

Improves muscle strength
Yoga is a gentle way to build and maintain muscle strength with your own body weight. It takes a lot of strength to hold your body in a balanced pose. Practicing yoga regularly will strengthen your arms, legs, core, and back. Positions can be modified based on an individual’s abilities.

Interested in trying yoga?
Yoga In Our City, presented by ConnectiCare, brings free yoga classes to parks in public spaces in six Connecticut cities – Bridgeport, Hartford, New Haven, New London, Waterbury, and Willimantic – now through Oct. 10, 2021. The classes are open to everyone at all levels. Find schedules, safety guidelines, and more on

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