Governor Ned Lamont and DECD Commissioner David Lehman joined the Chamber’s Board of Directors meeting on April 28 with updates on state’s COVID-19 response and reopening Connecticut’s economy. We would like to thank them for their time and appreciate their reaching out for input on solutions from our local business leaders.
Reports of declining hospital admissions over the past week are an important metric for reopening businesses. Gov. Lamont noted significant numbers in Boston and suggested caution in eastern Connecticut, which has seen the lowest number of cases in the state.
Gov. Lamont noted that approximately two-thirds of the state’s economy remained open as Connecticut closed down much less than neighboring states. Defense manufacturing and its supply chain as well as all private manufacturing and construction continue to operate.
Commissioner Lehman reported that he is shifting the majority of his focus from triaging the crisis to reopening the state, quickly but responsibly.
Testing Key to COVID Management
Broad-based testing is a key component of reopening the economy. The state is ramping up testing and companies are making investments to increase capacity as well as identify new technologies related to antibody testing and testing procedures.
Health monitoring will be incorporated into protocols for businesses and consumers to manage the spread of COVID as part of reopening. The state is bringing shipments of thermometers and employing smart technology to monitor flare ups in geographic areas.
Welcoming Ideas from Businesses for Reopening
The service industries present specific challenges in regard to maintaining social distancing measures during the reopening. Representatives from restaurant, retail and hospitality are on the Reopen Connecticut Advisory Group, including Dan Meiser, Chairman of the CT Restaurant Association, and Rodney Butler, Chairman of the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation.
Gov. Lamont invited ideas from all sectors as the state navigates the safest way to reopen businesses, and he suggested that businesses look at their own facilities to evaluate how they can safely open. He encapsulated the balance we are all struggling to find: “I know how urgent people feel about getting everything open. I also know how anxious people are about opening too early.”
Share Your Ideas with the Chamber and the Governor
If you have helpful ideas on reopening, or are facing special circumstances to reopen your business or organization, please contact the Chamber at (860) 701-9113 or so we can relay it to the Governor’s Advisory Group.
Join us for industry specific roundtable discussions. Upcoming events include Restaurant Roundtable on May 7 and Real Estate Roundtable on May 13. Keep up with all Chamber events on our calendar.